The Michigan Wellness Council (MWC) was formed after five years of regional growth and requests from stakeholders across the state to centralize corporate health and wellness best practices. Momentum has been accelerating due to the national prevention strategy and wellness grant provisions of the Affordable Care Act. Its mission is to inspire the successful integration . . .
How can a leading nonprofit human service agency optimize employee health resources without expensive technology or training? Continue on for a short video by Judson Center’s Chief Operating Officer, Sean de Four.
. . .Financial Articles & Investing News | ROYAL OAK, Mich., /PRNewswire/ — Wellco Corporation recently became the first and only wellness industry leader to offer an effective evaluation system for wellness programs. Read the article.
. . .Retired Detroit Red Wings and Chicago Blackhawks tough guy Bob Probert died recently after an apparent heart attack while boating with his family. He was just 45 years old. Does it feel like heart disease victims are becoming younger and you’re getting older? The devastation of losing a loved one unexpectedly has become more frequent . . .
Benefit firms understand the need for health cost effectiveness for their clients. In this short video, Steve Rosser, Vice President of Benefits & Financial Services for Johnston Lewis Associates, shares his impression of the HealthHammer Zero Trend Appraisal system.
. . .Remember the movie “City Slickers?” During one of the better scenes, Curly (Jack Palance) tells Mitch (Billy Crystal) that life is about “one thing,” but you have to find out just what that thing is for yourself. Mitch spends the rest of the movie looking for his “one thing” and ends up much better as . . .
Poor Employee health behavior is the biggest concern regarding health benefits and affordability according to 2/3 of employers in a recent survey by the National Business Group on Health and Towers Watson. The next biggest concerns, by 41% of companies, are poor utilization of preventive services, expensive catastrophic care and end-of-life treatment. Fifty-eight percent of . . .
The House and Senate have approved the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Senate Bill and are expecting President Obama’s signature by the end of April. The 2,000 page, $940 million plan includes 6 corporate wellness provisions that will remain law regardless of what happens to the bill. With much debate over national spending, coverage . . .