Leadership Matters: A New Top Risk Keeping Leadership Up at Night

(4 min read)

As we move into the new year, a new top risk is on every leader’s mind: attracting and retaining top talent.

In the 2023 Global Risk Management Survey, this risk significantly ascended in importance, not even making the top 10 the previous year. It's staring everyone in the face, and leaders are wondering what to do about it.

Even industry leaders worry that their inability to hire and keep "good people" is no longer just an "HR problem." It's posing a significant risk to the business. By day's end, nearly every risk modern leaders must handle relies on recruiting and retaining the right people:

Brand damage...people problem

Data breach...people problem

Business disruption...people problem

Failure to meet customer's changing expectations...people problem

You get the picture. But when we refer to a 'people problem,' it's not about blaming your receptionist. Here's how leadership is addressing this risk."

1. Invest in People and Strategic Priorities

In today's era of AI dominance, the irreplaceable value of  Building a magnetic workplace culture is clearer than ever. Establishing an irresistible workplace culture holds unprecedented significance. Navigating this evolving landscape demands dynamic leadership and proactive strategies that prioritize both employee well-being and key organizational priorities.

It's not about advocating for extravagant overhauls or extensive long-term plans. Simplicity, coupled with strategic focus, reigns supreme.

Action Items:

  • Invest in Your People: Discover simple yet impactful ways to foster growth, nurture culture, and support your workforce.
  • Focus on Quick Wins: Seek immediate, tangible victories. Understand that attracting and retaining talent becomes achievable when you build incrementally.
  • Identify Strategic Levers: Recognize pivotal areas within your organization that wield influence across the landscape.

Finding these areas allows you to create ripples of positive change that lead to long-term prosperity. It's about aligning investment in people with strategic initiatives, forging a path toward collective success.

2. Unlock untapped potential

Employees who feel heard by leadership are nearly 5X more likely to say they "give their best" at work. What does that mean? Even if you've secretly lamented that you can't find or keep "the right people", they may already be right there with you. Yes, even the punctuality-challenged ones, the office contrarians, and those browsing Indeed Jobs on company time. They're holding some of their potential back. They're afraid to give their all. They have a foot out the door. But you can change that!

Whether intentional or subliminal, leadership is often giving people the impression that they're replaceable—even if you're actively saying otherwise. People feel undervalued. They don't want to go all in or build a future with you only to have the rug pulled out from under them.

Action Items:

  • Find ways to show employees they are heard.
  • Invite people to the table to ensure we're hearing from a broad perspective.

3. Bridge the perception gap

Gallup's Employee Engagement Survey found that 92% of CEOs care about their employees and empathize with them. At the same time, only 50% of employees perceive this empathy from their leadership.

That sounds like a PR problem. Each of us has a self-perceived image we aim to uphold—an ideal we strive to live up to. You know that you care for your employees' well-being, even when they don't see it. Bridging this gap comes down to actively listening to employee needs and finding ways to promote their sense of well-being.

You're going beyond lip service to impact. Employees are perceptive. There exists a powerful intersection between leadership and employee well-being. You can use this to meaningfully promote well-being while ensuring employees see you as the empathetic leader you are.

Action Items:

  • Actively listen to employee needs by opening communication channels
  • Make sure employees are aware of the programs available to them
  • Integrate those programs into your culture

4. Prioritize wellness and well-being

 Few single areas deliver this resonating impact more than focusing on enhancing each employee's sense of well-being and desire to grow with your company—not out of it.

When organizations struggle to attract and retain employees, they often have a toxic work culture filled with negativity and backbiting. These are symptoms of a well-being problem. And they’re fixable when you start building wellness into your company culture.

Action Items:

  • Explore programs that promote physical wellness, mental health, and emotional intelligence where employees are listening to each other as well
  • Lead by example. Take part in these programs and demonstrate your value for everyone’s well-being, including your own.

Integrate these values into your culture to attract employees who share these values

Hiring and Retaining Top Talent Starts with Effective Leadership

Global leaders are right. Hiring and retaining top talent is a risk you need to manage. Managing this risk starts with demonstrating the value you place on the people already in your organization. When you do, you may be surprised at how much they've been holding back and what you're capable of achieving as their leader.


Scott Foster is CEO of Wellco. Scott is a frequently-invited expert and speaker regarding well-being & leadership.  Wellco provides award-winning solutions to measurably improve health experiences & outcomes. For more information, contact Wellco. 

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Rave Reviews 

Wellco and Scott Foster are amazing. His approach to wellness is unique, compassionate, supportive and educational. Any organization will benefit from his approach and it will change your company.

Felicia Felton HR Manager, Edward Rose & Sons

Scott Foster was the keynote speaker for the Michigan HR Day conference, which had a sold-out crowd of over 800 participants. If you are searching for a remarkable speaker who is also a pleasure to do business with, I highly recommend Scott Foster.

Jeremy Stephens CEO, Michigan HR

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You may reprint any items from this blog in your own print or electronic newsletter. When you do, please include the following paragraph: Reprinted from Wellco. Free, proven healthcare & leadership market intelligence from Scott Foster, Wellco CEO.  Learn more at www.wellcocorp.com. Copyright (c) by Wellco.
