By: Scott Foster
Employees embrcing each other

Proactively investing in employee wellness and preventative health care is essential for organizational success. By fostering a culture that prioritizes well-being, resilience, and productivity, senior executives can drive long-term growth while supporting the health of their workforce. Learn how a wellness-first approach can benefit both your employees and your company’s bottom line

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Empowering Employee Health: Proactive Strategies for Building a Thriving Workforce
By: Scott Foster
Medical distancing

(3 min read) While few people continue with social distancing, there’s also a lot of “medical distancing” going on. In short, people are distancing themselves from doctor visits, checkups, and procedures they actually need, because they’re trying to stay away from medical facilities where they feel their risk of catching COVID-19 might be higher. According to the New . . .

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Medical Distancing Could be Putting Your Employees at Risk
By: Scott Foster
EKG heartbeat

(2.5 min read) Measuring key performance indicators is a central component of successful business. Sales revenue, profit margin, sales growth, employee retention, engagement, burn rate, blood pressure – If you have anything in common with most executives and HR leaders, you’re likely stopping me right there. The truth is that the most successful organizations are as focused on . . .

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Why Businesses Are Adding This Metric to Their KPIs
By: Scott Foster

(4 min read) How many times have you attended a meeting or conference only to find the speaker reading from slides, cramming content, and repeating information that anyone with even a year of experience in your industry already knows?  You don’t want to be that speaker. The presentation you offer and the overall presence you give . . .

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Presentation Skills Matter: Here’s How to Avoid Being That Speaker
By: Scott Foster
Engaging video conference

(3 min read) f you’re a meeting planner or an event planner who books paid professional speakers, your business revenue probably dropped substantially when COVID-19 began shutting down so much of life. The same is true for professional associations in fields like business, management, human resources, and health care.Fortunately, there are ways to continue your business . . .

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Don’t Let Social Distancing Keep You From Engaging Events
By: Scott Foster

Three recent studies found that companies with award-winning wellness programs also have award-winning stock prices, outperforming the Standard and Poors (S&P) Index by 7-16% annually. Previously, approximately 50 scientific, peer-reviewed studies confirm the effectiveness of robust corporate health strategies for reducing medical costs and other benefits. The new studies link investment in employer health with . . .

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Investing in Employee Health Pays Handsomely in Employee Health and Investor Returns
By: Scott Foster

  Employer Health Trends, Hot Buttons, Controversies & Best Practices – Instant Webinar The presenter is Scott Foster, Wellco President.  The webinar is sponsored by Crain Communications and Blue Cross Blue Shield.  The meeting objective was to engage senior leaders, evaluate leading trends and provide actionable takeaways.  The meeting planner provided the following program results: . . .

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