The Affordable Care Act (ACA) features wellness prominently and uses the word wellness 86 times. The most pertinent wellness issues are in the Prevention of Chronic Disease and Improving Public Health Section (Title IV). Section 10408 identifies $200M for small businesses to provide comprehensive wellness programs. Funding for wellness initiatives is primarily allocated through the Prevention and Public Health Fund. Due to current budget debates, related wellness funds have yet to be appropriated. Further, no funds are yet available for implementation of the Affordable Care Care Act, including the Prevention and Public Health Fund. However, the fund remains despite 34 prior repeal attempts. Also, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have committed to wellness funding with ongoing, incremental wellness grant opportunities. Once appropriated, funds and selection protocols are coordinated by the CDC and by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. In the meantime, $358.8M has been awarded throughout the nation for health improvement initiatives.
Previously, about 100 employers across the nation are receiving comprehensive wellness programs as a result of a $9 million grant from the CDC. Companies of various sizes across 7 national regions are being provided with 2-years of support to develop or expand their workplace health programs. The programs are being facilitated by Viridian Health Management and evaluated for effectiveness by North Carolina’s Research Triangle Institute.
Future programs need to be comprehensive wellness programs that meet evidenced-based guidelines according to the Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, National Registry for Effective Programs and the Guide to Community Preventive Services. Develop your plan now to jumpstart opportunities and complement your existing efforts.
About Scott Foster and Wellco
Scott Foster is President of Wellco, based in Michigan. Scott is a frequently invited expert and speaker regarding wellness ROI and making sense of new health care strategies. Wellco is the nation’s leading wellness systems provider. Wellco provides award-winning, results-oriented systems to fix wellness programs and measurably improve organizational health costs and conditions. Wellco specializes in ROI and appraisal systems, corporate wellness programs, speaking, and consulting. For more information, visit or call 248-549-4247.
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