Study Identifies Avoidable Health Spending

A recent study found Heart disease is the most expensive illness in the US at nearly $150 billion annually. Heart disease and other preventable conditions are responsible for significantly driving up health costs. The study was performed by Center for Healthcare Research and Transformation in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Other costly condition opportunities include mood disorders (depression and bi-polar), back surgery and prenatal care.

Preventable illness makes up about 70% of the US health care bill (New England Journal of Medicine) yet less than 5% of health dollars are spent on prevention (American Journal of Health Promotion). Businesses can turn the tables and reduce costs by providing preventive health benefits, corporate wellness programs and employee assistance programs to identify conditions before becoming even more costly and dangerous.

Scott Foster is President of Wellco, based in Michigan. Wellco works with organizations who want to measurably improve health costs and risks.   Wellco specializes in health ROI systems, health risk appraisals, corporate wellness programs, speaking, and consulting.  Wellco is the developer of the award-winning HealthHammer, the first and only Zero Trend Appraisal system.

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