Prestigious Wellness Conference Highlights Cost Control

The 29th Annual Wellness in the Workplace Conference was recently held in Ann Arbor Michigan and sponsored by the University of Michigan Health Management Research Center (HMRC).  The conference highlighted wellness programs from leading organizations such as Pitney Bowes and Lincoln Industries. Dee Edington, Ph.D., Director, HMRC called businesses to action with the following key questions and opportunities related to health status:

  1. If you wait for problems before trying to fix them, will you ever solve your problem?
  2. If you have been doing the same thing for decades with unsatisfactory results, isn’t it time for new thinking?
  3. If you put a changed person back in the same environment, will the change be sustainable?

You can learn more about the conference and the HMRC by following this link.

Scott Foster is President and ROI Expert of Wellco Corporation, based in Michigan. Wellco works with organizations who want to measurably improve health costs and risks.   Wellco specializes in health ROI systems, health risk appraisals, corporate wellness programs, speaking, and consulting.  Wellco is the developer of the award-winning HealthHammer, the first and only Zero Trend Appraisal system.
