The 20th Annual Conference of the National Business Coalition on Health, held November 16-18, 2015, in Dallas, brought together an extensive array of key health care stakeholders. The conference focused on improving health outcomes and reducing excessive cost by benefit design, enhanced care management, payment reform, and reducing waste.
Employer health leaders gathered around the theme: Achieving Health Care Value: No Purchaser is an Island. Participants included members from 52 coalitions across the United States representing over 4,000 employers and approximately 35 million employees.
Scott Foster, Wellco President, provided the closing keynote address, Heroic Health: How to Turn Bad News Into Best Practices and Bounce Back from the Health Care Crisis.  Findings presented during Foster’s address included:
-Employers typically don’t address health care beyond the short-term tasks of annual plan shopping, cost shifting and generic wellness.
-There is a disconnect between what science knows and what business does related to health. Middle managers believe initiatives are working, yet 69% have not attempted to measure effectiveness and, of those that have, 65% are unsatisfied with their outcomes.
-Providers have opportunities to work together and complement the primary care foundation, beyond the typical 7-minute office visit and 60-second patient-physician conversation.
-Engagement is measurably higher when messaging and care is personalized.
-A leadership data dashboard can measure success, including avoidable costs, trends and ROI benchmarks.
-Businesses don’t want to be trailblazers but want to know how to make more effective, long-term health care decisions.
 About NBCH
Over the past 22 years, the National Business Coalition on Health (NBCH) has provided expertise, resources and a voice to its member coalitions across the country and represented each community coalition at the national level. NBCH is a national, non-profit 501(c)6, membership organization of purchaser-led health care coalitions. NBCH and its members are dedicated to value-based purchasing of health care services through the collective action of public and private purchasers. NBCH seeks to accelerate the nation’s progress towards safe, efficient, high-quality health care and the improved health status of the American population. Learn more by following this link
About Scott Foster and Wellco
Scott Foster is President of Wellco. Scott is a frequently- invited expert and speaker regarding making sense of employer health care strategies and the effectiveness of health and wellness programs. Scott and Wellco have provided award-winning, results-oriented systems to measurably improve organizational health costs and conditions. Learn more by following this link