Heart Experts Confirm Wellness Programs Cut Medical Costs

Corporate wellness cuts the risks and associated costs of heart disease, says the American Heart Association in a recent policy statement published in Circulation.

More than 25% of medical costs are spent on the preventable risks that lead to heart disease and stroke, the association said.  The United States annual heart disease bill of more than  $300 billion burdens companies and employees through higher medical benefit costs.

ROI is $3-15:1 within 18 months of implementation, determined by the statement’s lead author, Mercedes Carnethon, PhD, Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine at Northwestern University.  The research applies to the bottom line of any size company.

Key opportunities include preventive screening, disease management and healthy lifestyle education.

Wellco works with companies who want to stop dangerous and costly health conditions through prevention.  Wellco specializes in health ROI systems, health risk appraisals, wellness programs, speaking, and consulting. Wellco is the developer of the award-winning HealthHammer, the first and only Zero Trend Appraisal system.
