Nevada Business Group On HealthThe Nevada Business Group on Health (NVBGH) is primarily a contracting coalition. NVBGH has a new 5-year strategic plan which focuses on: wellness leadership, health care education resources, contracting, and rebranding. The glue that binds NVBGH together is its ability to negotiate hospital contracts and its ability to provide valuable benefit specific information to members.  The NVBGH leadership team takes an interest in assisting members in securing the best information and rates available for their health  plans.

Interpreting the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) stands as the biggest challenge to NVBGH’s members. Soon, confusion surrounding health care will expand as Washington DC changes power. Many of NVBGH’s members work in the public sector and have had comprehensive benefits. Now, because of recent changes in health care, employees are wondering why some of those benefits have ended. Many of the businesses involved in NVBGH employ people in union bargaining units which creates an added challenge in constructing benefit plans that work for everyone. Also, the ability to negotiate contracts for benefit plans, as an individual business presents a struggle for members.

Nevada Business Group on HealthExperience

NVBGH listens to member concerns and builds programs specifically to address those concerns. For example, NVBGH is currently dedicating one key staff member trained in PPACA (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) to focus on interpreting health care laws. This employee will be a certified expert, available to help and guide members through tough questions surrounding changes in health care. In addition, the diverse background of staff allows NVBGH’s members access to experts in billing codes and clinical pathways. NVBGH focuses on providing benefit specific information and providing contractor services for the group.  NVBGH has created a unique opportunity for members to obtain help with contracting and to find answers to the tough questions in the changing world of health care.

The large size of NVBGH’s membership creates a powerful position for negotiating contracts. NVBGH’s contacting service provides its members in northern Nevada with the best possible contracted hospital rates in the area. With escalating hospital rates, NVBGH has managed to keep those rates far below trend for the past 10 years.  NVBGH is also able to do volume based purchasing on its members behalf for pharmacy, EAP programs, and executive physical programs. This gives members solid contracts for a variety of services without having to negotiate individually. These contracts are key pieces in helping members develop benefit plans. Moving forward, NVBGH is focused on building a statewide organization, connecting all the regions in the state of Nevada.

Scott Foster/Wellco Value

Terri Lightfoot, Nevada Business Group on Health“Scott Foster’s work with coalitions across the country brings us together in a way no one else is doing.  He brings a national strategic insight. Scott’s personal message is as strong as your corporate message, making a lasting impression on everyone.”

“Scott Foster is a life-changer! The Nevada Business Group on Health was honored to have Scott as a presenter on “Heroic Health and Wellness” at our Health Care Summit. Scott’s personal story of transformation resonated with the participants who have actively engaged in many of the ideas that Scott presented. Additionally, Scott’s takeaway information from his presentation has truly benefited NVBGH in our consideration of a new Employee Wellness Program contractor. Scott does not just leave you inspired, he leaves you informed and has impeccable follow-up!”
-Terri Lightfoot, Executive Director, Nevada Business Group on Health
Terri Lightfoot, CEO and Executive Director
Nevada Health Partners and Nevada Business Group on Health

About The Nevada Business Group on Health
The Nevada Business Group on Health founded in 1995, is a non-profit business group of over 60 local employers with both large, self-insured public and private companies.  NVBGH covers over 30,000 employees and dependents with an average employer group of 950 employees. NVBGH provides contracting services and benefit specific information for their members. Learn more by following this link.

About Scott Foster and Wellco
Scott Foster is President of Wellco.  Scott is a frequently- invited expert and speaker regarding making sense of employer health care strategies and the effectiveness of health and wellness programs.  Scott and Wellco provide award-winning, results-oriented systems to measurably improve organizational health costs and conditions. For more information, contact Wellco.

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