ROSSETTIROSSETTI is an architectural design and planning firm with a global focus on sports and entertainment stadium design. ROSSETTI has proudly called Detroit the home to its world headquarters for the last 45 years. ROSSETTI designs experiences by transforming client visions into spaces that work- experientially, functionally, and financially.

ROSSETTI’s innovative projects require motivated team members working together to deliver client solutions. ROSSETTI executives recognize the direct impact a healthy workforce has on this goal. They know healthy employees are more productive, engaged, and successful at their jobs. With this awareness in mind, ROSSETTI wanted to generate interest among employees in their health and wellness habits. Current media coverage of other corporations’ success in wellness encouraged ROSSETTI to move forward and begin to address their challenge.


ROSSETTI partnered with Wellco, a corporate health strategies provider, to enhance its results program through their HealthHammer Prevention System.  Wellco implemented systems to track avoidable health conditions, measure avoidable medical costs and integrate existing resources.   ROSSETTI also worked with a dedicated group of employees to form a health and wellness committee. The committee has organized healthy lunches with featured speakers and yoga twice a month.  The committee continues to look for new ideas to keep the momentum going so that prevention is on the forefront.

briggsROSSETTI’s offerings have created a spirit of excitement among staff members. There is a definite desire among employees to become more educated about their health. At least 80% of ROSSETTI’s employees turn out for their initiatives. In addition to the high participation rate, employees are talking about their health results and saying positive things about ROSSETTI. The Wellco scorecards are inspirational to employees. Employee awareness of their health status has improved.  Preventive care utilization and doctor visits are increased to help healthy employees stay healthy. Because Wellco provides benchmarks that allow for results that can be compared from year to year through Health Hammer, the long term benefits are considerably high. Executives know their wellness programs are having a genuine impact on their employees’ lives.  Leadership is using Wellco’s data dashboard to make more effective and proactive health care decisions, including incrementally transitioning to self-insurance.

Wellco Value

mike_mcglyn“Through our partnership with Wellco, nearly all employees are engaged. The high-risk population has been almost eliminated and the healthy employees are remaining healthy. Wellco’s expertise and compelling strategies have measurably improved the health of our employees and company.”

matt_rossetti“Wellco’s strategic approach to business goals dovetails with our mission: Designing Experiences. Generating Value. I highly recommend Wellco to measurably improve the health, metrics and value of your business.”
Matt Rossetti
President, ROSSETTI

ROSSETTI was founded in 1969 by Gino Rossetti. The company quickly developed expertise in healthcare, corporate headquarters, hospitality, complex master planning, and in the last twenty-five years, sports and entertainment.
Since 1999, Matt Rossetti has steered the firm’s vision as an international leader in sports design and planning. ROSSETTI is proud of its Detroit roots and the contribution they continue to make to the environment in their hometown. Learn more by following this link

About Wellco
Scott Foster is President of Wellco. Scott is a frequently- invited expert and speaker regarding making sense of employer health care strategies and the effectiveness of health and wellness programs. Scott and Wellco provide award-winning, results-oriented systems to measurably improve organizational health costs and conditions. Contact Wellco.

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