MAHCPThe Montana Association of Health Care Purchasers (MAHCP) is the only health care purchasing, data focused coalition in Montana.  MAHCP represents multiple large state-based employers, and covers over 100,000 employees and their dependents. MAHCP provides comprehensive contract management, expertise, and data resources for their members.

Many of MAHCP’s members are overwhelmed with the amount of time it takes to interpret new changes in health care such as The Affordable Care Act; they don’t have time to start new initiatives. In addition, members have to tackle practical issues like the high cost of diabetes treatment and the high cost of pharmacy. The complexity of the health care system creates a challenge for MAHCP to reach members with new information and programs when members are already burdened with the day to day demands of health care management for their businesses.


MAHCP recognizes the frustration and confusion surrounding health care and supports its members by providing three basic services: managing medical, pharmacy, and health management contracts; administering a data warehouse with data aggregation and reporting; and conducting educational conferences. This three prong approach addresses the need for support on basic health care management while introducing new ideas and innovations through education.


MAHCP’s ability to manage medical, pharmacy, and health management contracts alleviates the pressure of contract management from its members. Because MAHCP is able to handle contracts across multiple states, businesses can maintain a single signature contract with insurers, simplifying the contracting process and allowing for greater ease in dealing with insurers.

In addition, MAHCP offers a data aggregation warehouse. The data warehouse allows health plan administrators to send all of their data to one central source. Data from health screenings, diabetes management programs, dental, vision, medical claims, pharmacy and more can be sent to the warehouse. Data can then be aggregated and interpreted into reports to help self-funded plans budget for the coming year.

Finally, MAHCP launched its premier educational conference. It was the first employer focused conference in the state of Montana. MAHCP wanted to get to the root of current issues from a non-biased perspective without selling employers anything. MAHCP simply provided up to date information on current trends and struggles in health care. One hundred sixty people registered, including non-members, making the conference a success.

Scott Foster/Wellco Value

Don Creveling MAHCP“Scott Foster knocked his keynote out of the park during our annual conference with his expertise and engaging presentation style!”
-Don Creveling, CEO, Montana Association of Health Care Purchasers (MAHCP)


Chelsea Pelc Montana Association of Health Care Purchasers“Scott Foster presented as keynote speaker at our MACHP employer conference.  Scott was very attentive to what topics/ideas we wanted to communicate to our participants and delivered all that was promised rather than a canned presentation.  Not only was he an engaging speaker but his presentation included the audience and engaged all in the room.  Scott’s presentation left the audience with a check list on how to incorporate his presentation into their everyday life.  We would have Scott speak again in a heartbeat and highly recommend his skills and speaking ability.”
Chelsea Pelc, Clinical and Wellness Programs Manager
Montana Association of Health Care Purchasers

About The Montana Association of Health Care Purchasers
The Montana Association of Health Care Purchasers (MAHCP) was formed in 1994. MAHCP has 7 employees and represents roughly 100,000 covered lives through their full time members. MAHCP seeks to support members through educating clients and providing support services. Learn more by following this link.

About Scott Foster and Wellco
Scott Foster is President of Wellco.  Scott is a frequently- invited expert and speaker regarding making sense of employer health care strategies and the effectiveness of health and wellness programs.  Scott and Wellco provide award-winning, results-oriented systems to measurably improve organizational health costs and conditions. For more information, contact Wellco.

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